Tracks, Traces and Transformations

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NEST, Den Haag, The Netherlands
Open: 10/10/2010 – 21/11/2010
Thursday – Sunday from 1 to 5 pm.

A project on art directly related to movement. Constantly changing perspectives are transformed by the artists into collections and narratives, reduced to one sentence or melted into a single image. With works by Patrick Corillon, Christoph Fink, Maarten Vanden Eynde, Esther Kokmeijer, Richard Long and Simon Starling.

The current size of Plastic Reef is 200 x 250 cm.


  1. jo vervoort
    Posted April 11, 2011 at 3:56 pm | Permalink

    The seaquake and resulting tsunami, that hit Japan, will ad a new dimension, with everything from plastic spoons to cars, boats and houses being swept into the ocean

  2. Rufino Sobral
    Posted November 29, 2011 at 2:14 am | Permalink

    I’m a Polimer Eng living in Portugal.
    I beleave and i know that there’s a way to resolve this disgrace…but first thing to change is to open the eyes (mind) of children (very important). Here in Portugal we are starting to change our way of living because children are teatching us the meaning of Recycling…this is the most important first step to take at this moment!
    This kind of art must be in the schools …. children will teach us!!!!!!!!
    🙂 (sorry my bad english) 🙂

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