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11/12/2008: Lecture about the ‘Plastic Reef’ project in TENT. Rotterdam, NL
Witte de Withstraat 5o, 3o12 BR Rotterdam

In the framwork of ECOSCAPES. Curated by Willem Scholten
Is sustainability actually tenable in art? Artists and architects join the debate.
With a.o. Lenny Oosterwijk (ILAND), Jan Jongert (2012 Architecten) and Maarten Vanden Eynde.

One Comment

  1. Posted September 7, 2015 at 10:05 am | Permalink

    I would sign up to help clean this up, it is affecting our whole crilce of life, starting with what we need water! Maybe if we were to put an effort into cleaning this up and use plastixs way way less, maybe our environment will heal the damages that we have caused. Gotta start somewhere! why cant ships take a load or two from the clean up crew if they were to pass by? What about military vessels? Any ship able to transport while a crew cleans out the water? These poor animals who dont know any better are feeding on the plastic and we are just allowing it!! I always see trash on the beaches and pick it up! These beaches need regulatory clean up crews to stop the pollution further!! And if we have to put a safetynet to catch trash before it hits the ocean then that is what needs to be done . We dont have a lot of time, there are more plastics being made as we read this and there are some plastics melting into our oceans as we speak, while birds and fish eat the little plastic pellets that they see thinking that was a good catch!! When it was just plastic..HELP THEM AND HELP US PLEASE!!! if you need volunteers please contact me !!! I will work in the pacific a whole year to help if i need to !!!

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