Algalita Marine Research Foundation

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Alguita Alguita.

In January 2009 I went to Los Angeles to do preliminary research for the ‘Plastic Reef’ project. I met Charles Moore, who discovered the North Pacific Garbage Patch in 1997, at Algalita Marine Research Foundation in Long Beach. He gave me the first samples of plastic debris collected on his previous research expeditions in the North Pacific Gyre which I used to make the first ‘Plastic Reef’ for the exhibition This Is The Future Before It Happened in Glendale College Gallery, Los Angeles. Afterwards I went to his house and to his boat Alguita, which is used for all the research expeditions of Algalita Marine Research Foundation.

Charles Moore.


  1. Posted July 3, 2012 at 4:26 am | Permalink

    Charles : hi this is Lance, I’m a boatbuilder sailor, I built a 37′ trimaran 13 yrs ago, just gave it to my son he is 31 yrs old and an extrodinary salor, he is interested in sailing the boat offshore, and since its a research vessel,.wants to hook up with you guys.
    Lance & Vincent

  2. Posted January 6, 2018 at 9:57 pm | Permalink


    I am 61 with time to give back to this planet.
    I have a 40′ monohull based in Oriental NC.
    Are you aware of something equivalent to what you do on the East coast.
    May be there is an existing network of boats helping to clean in the US.
    Do you need help among your fleet?
    Sorry, many questions… just want to be an activist instead of watching and talking about it.

    Kind regards


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