Lecture: Lost & Found, Waag Society, Amsterdam, NL

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When: 09/04/2010 at 9pm
Location: Theatrum Anatomicum, Waag Society, Nieuwmarkt 4, Amsterdam, NL

From Vilnius, Lithuania, especially for L&F: with a tent, a sleeping bag, a flashlight and a map in a Lada Samara through Udmurtia, a sovereign republic within the Volga District of the Russian Federation, drugs and prostitution near Vilnius’ railway station and RasaJ and Egyboy show ‘Love’ on super 8. And: in a sailboat crossing the Atlantic searching for an island of plastic, a new pearl of the VHS collection and DJ Popshopsoukoussoundsystemcart.
Lost & Found is a night of stray images and sounds. The programme is compiled from received and selected material by Joris Lindhout and Julia van Mourik.

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